Category Archives: Անգլերեն


Սիրելի սովորողներ, դուք արդեն գիտեք գործողություն ցույց տվող բազմաթիվ բառեր,

Օրինակ /For example, to read-կարդալ, to write -գրել, to speak-խոսել, to play- խաղալ, to eat-ուտել, to drink-խմել, to go to bed- պառկել քնելու.

Փորձեք տեղադրել բառերը նախադասության մեջ:

Children usually to play on the playground.

They to speak English very well.

We to eat ice-cream in summer․

II. Ընտրեք ճիշտ տարբերակը:

Arevik /drink/ drinks/ tea every morning.

drink ,drinks.

Arevik/ goes to bed/ go to bed /at 10 o’clock in the evening.

 goes to bed,go to bed

I /read/reads/ books every day.


Տեղադրեք «Do» կամ «Does»

Do you speak English?

Do they usually play on the playground?

Does she go to bed at 10 in the evening? 

Տրված բոլոր նաադասությունները սկսեք Aram անունով: 

Օրինակ I like football.-Aram likes football.I speak English very well. -Aram speaks English very well

I play computer games every day. Aram plays computer games every day.
I drink tea every morning. Aram drinks tea every morning.

We pley football on the playground. Aram plays football on the playground.

iInterview with a famous boxer Alex

Interviewer:Hi Alex

Boxer Alex: Hi

Interviewer: Can you tell me about day in your life for the sports magazine?

Boxer Alex: Yeah, sure

Interviewer: What time do you get up?

Boxer Alex: I get up 7 o’clock:

Interviewer: Wow you get up 7 o’clock!

Boxer Alex: Yes I get up 7 o’clock. Then I have a breakfast։ Bacon and orange juice.

Interviewer: What do you do after breakfast?

Boxer Alex: I go to stadium and practice

Interviewer։ When do you have lunch?

Boxer Alex: I have lunch 1 o’clock.

Interviewer: What do you do after stadium?

Boxer Alex: I go to home. In the evening I watch TV and eat fruit.I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Interviewer:Thanks,Alex. That’s a busy day!.


Does Ara go to school?

Yes Ara goes to school.

Do Davit and Alex play basketball?

Yes Davit and Alex play basketball.

Does Kamila watch TV?

-Yes Kamila watch TV.

Do my mother watch kino?

-Yes my mother watch kino

Does my dad rides and bike bicycle?

-Yes my dad rides a bicycle.

Do my sister watch computer?

-Yes my sister watch computer.

Does Alisa go to yard?

-Yes Alisa goes to yard.

Do you like eat strawberry?

-Yes you like eat strawberry.

Does Ara eat candy?

-Yes Ara eat candy.


7. Fill in: Do or Does.

1.Do you speak English?

2.Does your mum bring you to school?

3.Do you like your new school?

4.Do you play basketball?

5.Does your friend come to this school?

6.Does your dad drive?

8. Write the questions. / you / chocolate – Do you like chocolate?

2.she / the guitar / play – Does she play the guitar?

3.listen to / Carlos / music – Does Carlos listen to music?

4.dogs / run fast – Do dogs run fast?

5.English / speak / your friend – Does your friend speak English?

6.Liz and Ben / school / go to – Do Liz and Ben go to school?


  1. Do I speak English?
  2. Do you like tennis?
  3. Does he play chess?
  4. Does she like small cars?
  5. Does he play sea battle?
  6. Do we sometims dance?
  7. Do you eat fish?
  8. Do they like to eat cheese and bread?
  9. Does Alex walk every evening?
  10. Does Anahit have brother and sister?

A bicycle

John’s father likes to swim. So he often goes to the swimming pool. His mother likes to play tennis. They often go to the stadium. Their son John is seven. He wants to be a good sportsman. His mother teaches him to play tennis but he asks his parents to give him a bicycle.

One day father comes home and says: “I have got a present for you. Come and see”.

John comes up and sees…..”Oh, it’s great! It’s a bicycle! I like it very much. Thank you daddy! I am so happy to have it”.

Every day Father and John go to the park to ride a bike.

One day John says, “I can ride a bicycle very well. Let’s ask mother to go with us”.

So they go to the park and watch John riding a bike. He rides and rides and rides. He is happy. He says, “Look, Mum! No hands!” Then he says, “Look, Dad! No feet!”

But suddenly John cries, “Look, Mum! No teeth!”   

My friend`s day

I got a friend.Hi name Ara.Ara is 8 years old.He studies at school.

He gets up 7 o’clock.He goes to school.He has lanch 11:00 o’clock.He always plays gaims.He goes to bed at 12:00 o’clock every evening.

Թարգմանել անգլերեն

1․Ես չեմ  նախաճաշում ժամը 8-ին, ես նախաճաշում եմ ժամը 9-ին։

2․Մարիամը չի կարդում ռուսերեն գրքեր, նա կարդում է անգլերեն գրքեր։

3․Նարեն և Վազգենը հաճախ չեն խաղում թենիս, նրանք երբեմն խաղում են շախմատ։

1.I don’t have breakfast 8 o’clock,I have breakfast 9 o’clock.

2.Mariam doesn’t to read  Russian books, she to read English books.

3.Nare and Vazgen often doesn’t play tennis,they sometimes play chess. 


1.I don’t have breakfest 7 o’clock, I have breakfast 8 o’clock.

2.Mariam doesn’t often read books.

3.We don’t drink milk in the morning.

4.They don’t eat pizza every day.

Իմ մայրիկը

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